Thursday, February 28, 2008

Iraq war must end - Opinions

What kind of nonsense is the author of this article trying to convey.

Comparing the Vietnam war to Iraq would be comparing the American Revolutionary War with Vietnam.

This country was attacked many times by the very same people who are sworn to destroy all people who fail to submit to Allah. If America leaves Iraq in what is now a clean-up action is tantamount to national suicide.

Why doesn't President Bush give the Taliban California and Hezbollah the state of New York in the hopes of peace?

Barack Ben Obama is going to lose any chance he had for presidency of the US by following this articles author's advise.

Everyone has to get it through their heads.... this country was attacked on 9/11 and unconditional surrender to the enemies of the world will not be so kind as America has been to every country that has attacked us and lost.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Arabs Have Never Honored Any Committment

The Hamas leader the existence of the ENTITY Israel can be accepted once the Arabs have a COUNTRY called Palestine in this sliver of Jewish homeland.

This statement is based on the Quran'ic edict called Taqiyya - dissimulation or lying for Allah.

The peaceniks of Israel are not ignorant, they simply believe that which isn't.

Lemmings and the Israel Peace Now movment are both set on jumping of the edge of cliff to their deaths.